Sam Corl

Ruby on Rails Developer | Software, Marketing and Logistics | Santa Rosa, CA

I'm a Rubyist with 13 years experience coding in Rails. For 20 years before that, it was PERL CGI.
Since 1996, I've worked as an employee and directly with business owners, building software to help businesses grow.
As a consultant working directly with business owners, I perform operational and logistics software system reviews. These provide actionable opportunities for efficiency improvements and cost reduction.
I provide build-to-spec micro-services to fill in gaps and help with integration.
I achieved 3rd-Party Metrc Integrator validation in 2023, with full production access in California and Oregon.





My Work History

Stellar Home Maintenance

Senior Full Stack Engineer & Ruby on Rails Developer
October 2023 - April 2024

As a senior developer on the Contractor Experience Team at Stellar, I led back-end development of features to support a mobile application used by contractors during field work.

The Stellar Core application is primarily Ruby on Rails with Postgres DB backing. Integrations leveraged Google Maps and NPM packages like PlayWright.

Serverless applications on AWS served as a backbone for event management and notification.

Coupa, Inc.

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer
October 2017 - May 2023

As a senior developer on the Procurement Team at Coupa, I led development of features, made individual contributions and spearheaded team workflow efficiency projects. At Coupa, a lead developer on a feature is responsible for architecture, design and execution of the software. My primary responsibility when leading feature development was to be personally responsible for keeping alignment between the design document, story "acceptance criteria" and test coverage.

The Coupa "Enterprise" application is one of the world's largest Rails applications, maintained by thousands of engineers making regular commits through a proprietary CI pipeline. The CI pipeline runs the automated test suite and performs other validations using Jenkins and GitHub PR hooks. Pull requests can only be merged if all checks pass (no exceptions!) In my time at Coupa, I authored several hundred pull requests and peer reviewed at least as many. The application stack is mostly Ruby on Rails code, with some React components to provide a more responsive experience for the user. Data persistence is handled with MySQL.

Coupa software is used by thousands of employees every day, world-wide. At this scale, every change in the software requires commitment to following best practices without exception. Diligent, meticulous and redudant peer reviews, comprehensive automated test coverage and close collaboration between Product Managers, Developers and Test Engineers assure the production code is secure, reliable and performant.

Stonecrop Technologies, LLC

Senior Ruby on Rails Developer
August 2014 - August 2017

The Stonecrop web application is a private Rails app that manages logistics for cellular network site deployments.

I served as a senior level software developer, leading architecture and application development with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and DelayedJobs.

I was also responsible for all hosting with AWS services including EC2, RDS, EBS, S3. I maintained a hosting pod with Unicorn, Nginx, Redis, Postgres on AWS/Centos unix.

Deep-dive bug hunting and application optimization were specialties.

O.G. Tea Company

Independent Consultant
March 2014 - October 2014

I custom-built a CMS and CRM application to manage production and distribution of horticultural supplies.

This project used PERL / CGI with MySQL data persistence.

LiveOps, Inc.

Ruby on Rails Developer
June 2010 - July 2014

LiveOps provides a virtual call-center solution for businesses. The application connects call center worker's home phones to the call center hardware so they can work from home. This allows on-demand resource allocation for call centers and campaigns.

My main project was the "Agent​ ​ Dashboard" ​- a next-generation UX portal for remote call-center workers. ​

We used Ruby​ ​on​ ​Rails,​ ​RSpec,​ ​Autotest,​ Cucumber,​ HAML,​ ​SASS.

This project was unique in that the Rails application interacted with a Java-based API for most data retrieval rather than ActiveRecord.

Taste of Sonoma / Sonoma Wine Country Weekend

Independent Consultant
April 2013 - September 2013

I custom-built an application to record donations for Sonoma County’s premiere wine tasting event.

This project used PERL, CGI, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Riveralk Jazz

Independent Consultant
January 2009 - September 2011

I built a custom CMS and mass mailing application written in PERL.

The public website was retired to the Stanford Archive.

Escama Studio

Independent Consultant
March 2009 - Current

I custom-built an application to manage overseas production of pop-top fashion accessories. This project is still in use!

It uses PERL, CGI, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Habitudes, LLC

Independent Consultant
April 2008 - November 2008

I designed and built an application to record personal information in structured forms.

It used PERL, CGI, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Zelerate, Inc.

Internet Software Developer
April 2000 - April 2001

Zelerate​ ​ was​ ​ an​ ​ Idealab​​ ​ start-up​ ​ company​ ​ dedicated​ ​ to​ ​ the​ ​ development​ ​ and​ ​ deployment​ ​ of​ ​ solutions​ ​ for commerce,​ ​ order​ ​ management,​ ​ inventory​ ​ management​ ​ and​ ​ logistics.​ ​ Project​ ​ experience​ ​ included​ ​ building​ ​ and deploying​ ​ complete​ ​ commerce​ ​ solutions​ ​ and​ ​ managing​ ​ a ​ ​ team​ ​ of​ ​ engineers.

I worked directly with Rob Ferber, founder of eToys and current CEO of Xos Trucks.

Dharma Trading Co.

Fractional CTO
1996 - Present

Dharma Trading Co. is a world-renowned supplier of tie-dye, batik and textile art supplies since 1969.

In 1996, I built a website as a collection of HTML pages. (check the wayback machine). In Spring of 1999, a custom-built ecommerce shopping cart application using PERL CGI was added. This application is based loosely on the design of AllCommerce, a software application designed by Rob Ferber, one of the founders of Etoys.

In 2003, the warehouse software was replaced by a custom PERL CGI application. The warehouse application handles all aspects of fulfillment including inventory management, customer management and customer communications.

A custom-built bulk mailing application was added in June 2004. Dharma Trading Co. currently sends over 800,000 opt-in marketing emails per month via AWS SES.

Passion Projects

I enjoy building projects to solve specific challenges, but sometimes inspiration strikes and I just build it for fun.


Cross-platform data aggregation and reporting for legally licensed retail cannabis stores.
April 2023 - Present

Covering six states: Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, Michigan and Nevada.

Product menus are updated every day at more than 2,400 stores.

Brands and stores manage their own pages and product information. Inventory information is updated automatically.

This is the only cannabis retail website offering a cross-platform shopping cart.

API connectors for Carrot, Curaleaf, Dispense, Dutchie, Jane Technologies, Leafly, Lume, Meadow, Sweed, Treez, Trulieve, Tymber, Vercel, Weedmaps.


A portfolio of my projects in the cannabis industry space.
February 2024 - Present

Product finder websites for nearly one hundred brands linked with logos.

A community feature request and discussion board.
Coming Soon - June 2024

Metrc users post and upvote feature requests.

This compliance software is mandated in several states, but lacks a community forum to post and discuss feature requests.

Forms and upvote are Ruby on Rails. Presentation website is generated by Rails and served as static HTML.

Demo Site:

Order Farm Direct

This software application provides small farms with an online farm stand.
January 2024 - Present

List products and sell direct to consumers.

This software implements the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model.

Ruby on Rails, MySQL, NginX, Hotwire, Google Maps

Demo Site:

Are You Kind?

This software application helps wellness practitioners communicate with their clients via a secure patient portal.
April 2024 - Present

Communicate available services, send newsletter bulletins and book appointments.

Ruby on Rails, MySQL, NginX, Hotwire, Google Maps

Random Chapters of the Tao Te Ching

This single page application (SPA) serves a random chapter of the Tao Te Ching.
2018 - Present

Find inspiration and comfort in the chapters of this ancient book.

I've carried a copy of The Tao Te Ching in my backpack for several decades. The book was a gift from my step-father, received when I was a young adult. On breaks from work, I turn to a random page and read the chapter that presents itself. I like to use the content of the Tao when I experiment with new technology.

For this project, I used React and Material UI. It's built and deployed as a static app.

Coding Workshops for Kids

I volunteered to facilitate after-school workshops for at my children's elementary school.

Helping children grok coding is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

In 2013, I facilitated a workshop for elementary school students. Enrollment was open to any student in the district grade four or above. To gain interest, I offered to include details about setting up a Minecraft server, which was very exciting for the target audience.

Course materials are available here.